+27 11 484 2695

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Practitioner FAQs

How long do procedures take?

All fertility procedures take approximately 15 minutes, all laboratory processes require about 1 hour.

How long do I have to wait for results?

Sperm analysis excluding test for sperm antibodies 2 days, including test for sperm antibodies 8-10 days, paternity test 14-21 days.

How are referring doctors notified of the results?

Mail, fax.

Do sperm donors get compensated?

In line with legislation, each donor is reimbursed a varying nominal amount to cover their travelling and out-of-pocket expenses.

Do you freeze embryos?

No, embryos are frozen at fertility clinics, and sent to us for storage and safe keeping. We can refer you to a suitable in-vitro fertilisation clinic to arrange for the freezing process.

Do you deal with egg donors?

No, potential egg donors are advised to contact their local fertility clinic.

Can you assist in finding surrogate mothers?

We provide information and links to resources that accommodate this process, but we do not engage with surrogacy ourselves.

Can donor children run the risk of unknowingly dating a biological sibling?

Yes, it is referred to as consanguinity, there is always a risk. If you are unsure, a DNA test will confirm whether biological/genetic relations exist. If related, couples run the risk of increased birth defects in their offspring.

What is the law regarding fertilization of same sex couples?

They are within their constitutional right to have children (Sec 23/26 of the Constitution of South Africa).