Androcryos is a cryogenic depository specialising in the secure storage of human biological material associated with fertility treatment. We service medical fertility specialists, and facilitate scenarios where conventional conception is not an option.
Why should I become a sperm donor?

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Our Services
Sperm Donor
How do I become a sperm donor? Can I have sperm preserved?
If you are 21 to 35 years old, you can donate sperm at Androcryos and participate helpfully in your community, bringing a family the joy of conceiving a child.
You can preserve sperm before any medical procedures as a safeguard for future reproductive treatments.
Do you provide donor sperm?
Androcryos offers artificial insemination procedures through requests from medical practitioners.
We service Fertility Clinics and Doctors country wide with donor sperm for reproductive treatments.
Which services do you offer? How can you support me?
Androcryos fortifies the medical fertility and infertility sector by offering a sperm donor and freeze program alongside a full-function andrology laboratory.
Sperm Cryopreservation
Why should I preserve sperm?
At Androcryos we service those who wish to have sperm frozen and stored as a way of preserving their genetic future, allowing them to consider reproductive procedures in the future.
The Screening Process
You will be taken through a series of interviews, tests and evaluations to ascertain your suitability, genetic background, health and lifestyle.
During the course of our evaluation we will determine whether or not you can be considered as a suitable candidate to join our programme.
The following conditions result in automatic exclusion as an applicant:
- Hereditary diseases
- Asthma
- High Cholesterol
- Hypertension/Heart disease.
During the initial contact the process will be explained and you will be offered an opportunity to ask any and all questions you may have.
Which tests are conducted?
We screen for inheritable diseases and genetic disorders, sexually transmitted diseases. The mandatory HIV and Hepatitis test results are strictly private, and will be disclosed to you only. Psychological and emotional assessments are also done.
You will also be asked questions about your family history in terms of genetic disorders and health issues. Psychological and emotional assessments are also performed, as well as a credit and criminal check.