+27 11 484 2695

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Fertility Clinics

Vitalab Fertility Clinic

Dr S Volschenk, Dr L Gobetz, Dr C Venter, Dr Y Unterslak, Dr A Picton

Inner Circle Building, 159 Rivonia Road, Morningside, Sandton, 2057
Tel:  +27 (011) 911 4700
Website:  www.vitalab.com

Bio Art Fertility Centre

Dr Cassim, Dr Dasoo, Dr Mohammed 

99 Oxford Rd, Johannesburg, 2196
Tel:  +27 (011) 484 5168
Website:  www.bioartfertility.co.za

Park Lane Fertility Centre

Dr B Bothner, Dr JFA Potgieter, Dr T Reddy 

Netcare Park Lane Hospital, Cnr Junction Ave & Park Lane, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193
Tel: +27 (011) 643 8492 / +27 (011) 484 1918
Website: www.fertilitycentre.co.za

Medfem Clinic

Dr Nicholas Clark, Dr Tony Rodrigues, Dr Van Schouwenburg, Dr J Pottow

1 Nursery St, Peter Place, Bryanston, Sandton, 2060
Tel:  +27 (011) 463 2244
Website:  www.medfem.co.za

Sandton Fertility Clinic

Dr Goolam Mohamed, Dr Razina Patel 

Centre Of Advanced Medicine, 13 Scott St, Waverley, 2090
Tel: +27 (011) 883 1776
Website:  www.advancedfertility.co.za

Gynomed Clinic

Dr Giestra, Dr Potgieter & Dr Schulz 

Wilgeheuwel Hospital, Suite 11, 2040 Amplifier Rd, Radiokop, Roodepoort, 1724
Tel: +27 (011) 796 1100
Website:  www.gynomed.co.za

Gift ov Life Egg Donation Agency

Tami Sussman 

Johannesburg, Cape Town & Australia
Tel: +27 (021) 286 3329 / +27 (086) 173 6394
Website:  www.giftovlife.com

Nurture Egg Donor Program

Kim Lazarus (Cape Town)


Gerida Furstenburg (Gauteng, KZN)

Tel:  +27 (082) 954 4194
Website:  www.nurture.co.za

baby2mom Egg Donation Agency

Jenny Currie

Johannesburg & Cape Town 
Tel:  +27 (0)84 465 8353
Website:  www.baby2mom.co.za

Sunshine Egg Donors

Mario Botha Ferreira 

Johannesburg & Cape Town 
Email:  mario@sunshineeggdonors.com
Website:  www.sunshineeggdonors.com

Mens Clinic International

Advice & solutions for male sexual dysfunction

Johannesburg & Cape Town 
Tel: +27 (011) 523 5100 / +27 (086) 036 2867
Website:  www.menshealth.co.za

Pretoria East Fertility Clinic

Dr Marienus Trouw, Dr Aneen Venter

Netcare Pretoria East Hospital, Medical Suite 19, C/O Netcare & Garsfontein Drive, Pretoria East, 0181
Tel:  +27 (012) 998 8854
Website:  www.ptafertility.co.za

Genesis Reproductive Centre

Dr JG Pentz, Dr AK de Bruin

Bruin Suite G20 Kloof Hospital, 511 Jochemus Street, Erasmus Kloof, Pretoria, 0048
Tel: +27 (012) 367 4363 / +27 (012) 367 4374
Website:  www.genesisart.co.za

Wilgers Infertility Clinic

Dr Chris Niemandt

Suite 10 Life Wilgers Hospital, 553 Denneboom Street, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0184
Email: +27 (012) 807 8398 / +27 (012) 807 0232
Website:  www.wilgersinfertilityclinic.com

Steve Biko Academic Hospital Reproductive and Endocrine Unit

Dr Krushmee Singh

Steve Biko Academic Hospital, Level 7 Dr Savage Road, Pretoria, 0002 
Email:  +27 (012) 354 2540
Website:  www.up.ac.za/obstetrics-and-gynaecology

Centre for Assisted Reproduction and Endocrinology (CARE)

Dr Anil Ramdeo

21 Jan Hofmeyer Street, Westville, Durban, 3630
Tel: +27 (031) 267 7920
Website:  www.careclinic.co.za

Natal Fertility Clinic

Dr. JN Hansen and Dr. JL Coetsee 

325 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, 4320
Tel:  +27 (031) 830 3030
Website:  www.kznfertilityclinic.com

Durban Fertility Clinic

Dr S Naidu, Dr M Bhana

Suite B3 Kingsway Hospital, 607 Andrew Zondo Road, Amanzimtoti, 4126
Tel:+27 (031) 904 3980
Website: www.durbanfertilityclinic.co.za

Pietermaritzburg Fertility Clinic

Dr Kasturi Moodley

Suite 103, Pietermaritzburg Medical Health Centre, 345 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
Tel:  +27 (033) 342 3663
Website:  www.pmbfertilityclinic.co.za

Synergy Reproductive Unit

Ernest Gabriel 

Durdoc Hospital, 480 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001
Tel:+27 (031) 301 2787
Website:  www.jmh.co.za


Prof PH Wessels, Prof BF Cooreman

Preller Square, 3 Graaf Reinet Street, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein, 9301
Tel: +27 (051) 436 8956
Website:  www.femspes.co.za

Universitas Hospital – Infertility Clinic

Dr. Strydom

Universitas Hospital, Logeman Street, Bloemfontein, 9301
Tel:  +27 (051) 405 3385

Fembryo Fertility & Gynaecology

Dr Danie Botha & Dr Wendy Sieg, Dr Jaco Strydom

18 Ascot Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001
Tel: +27 (041) 374 3974
Website:  www.fembryo.co.za

Hope Egg Donation Agency

Angie Grobelaar

40A Park Dr, Port Elizabeth Central, Port Elizabeth, 6001
Tel:  +27 (079) 777 2237
Website:  www.hopeeggdonation.co.za

Fertility & Wellness Centre Port Elizabeth

St Georges Hospital, Medical Suites, Ground Floor,  40 Park Drive Central, Port Elizabeth, 6001
Tel:+27 (041) 392 6295

Cape Fertility Clinic

Dr S Heylen, Dr Paul Le Roux, Dr T Matabese, Dr L Oosthuizen

Library Square, 2nd Floor, 1 Wilderness Rd, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708
Tel: +27 (021) 674 2088
Website:  www.capefertility.co.za

Hart Fertility Clinic (Holistic Assisted Reproduction Treatment)

Dr Klaus Wiswedel, Dr Femi Olarogun, Dr Marcus  Faesen

11th Floor Christiaan Barnard Hospital, DF Malan Street, Cape Town, 8000
Tel:  +27 (021) 286 2294
Website:  www.hartfertilitycapetown.co.za

Aevitas Fertility Clinic

Prof T Kruger, Dr V Hume & Prof I Siebert, Dr G  Hanekom

Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital, Park Road, Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405
Tel:+27 (021) 531 6999
Website: www.aevitasfertilityclinic.co.za

Wijnland Fertility

Drs Johannes & Lizanne van Waart, Dr C Morrison,  Dr E Venter

9 Oewerpark, Rokewood Avenue, Stellenbosch
Tel:  +27 (021) 882 9666
Website:  www.wijnlandfertility.co.za

Groote Schuur Fertility Unit

Dr Patel

Groote Schuur Hospital, Andrology Department,  Maternity Centre, F Floor, Anzio Rd, Observatory, 7925
Tel: +27 (021) 404 6027
Website:  www.obstetricsandgynaecology.uct.ac.za

Dr Dawie Slabbert Inc.

Dr D Slabbert, Prof H Botha, Dr J Fourie

207 Panorama Medi- Clinic, Rothschild Boulevard, Panorama, Cape Town, 7500
Tel: +27 (021) 930 5045
Website:  www.fertilitydoctor.co.za