AI and How It Works
At Androcryos we do not pretend that artificial insemination is an easy or light-hearted solution for everyone, we are also aware that family structure and make-up varies across our multicultural country, continent, and globe. We want everyone to feel equally welcome, supported, and accepted.
Artificial Reproductive Techniques (ART):

- Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)
- In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
- Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Video source: Patreskovic
As an andrology laboratory and sperm bank, we cryogenically freeze and store sperm for use in artificial reproductive treatments. IUI procedures can be done at our facility on request from your practitioner.
What Is Artificial Insemination (AI)?
A sperm specimen is artificially administered to the uterus to maximise the success rate of fertilisation. An intra-uterine insemination catheter is used to transfer the sperm into the uterus.
Can HIV-infected Semen Be Used?
Where the male partner is HIV positive, and the female partner is HIV negative, a sperm wash is done prior to insemination or cryogenic freezing. Although the washing and freezing of sperm has adverse effects on sperm count, it does eliminate the HIV virus.
Medical Professionals
You should always contact your Gynaecologist when considering artificial reproductive treatments, in order that he/she can refer you to a suitable IVF centre if needed.
There are many factors that need to be considered before starting your treatment. Every patient is different and requires a different approach. It is therefore imperative that your specific circumstances are reviewed. Together with your practitioner you will arrive at the most accurate diagnosis and get the right treatment plan for you, giving you the best chance at reproductive success.
Sperm Donors
Sperm donations can be provided by known partners or friends or individuals selected by recipients, or they can be selected from our database of anonymous and non-anonymous sperm donors.
Sperm Preservation
Known partners or individuals can have their sperm preserved with Androcryos for any stipulated period of time, ready for use during artificial insemination procedures.

Anonymous Sperm Donors
We aim to provide a selection of anonymous donors that is representative of all races, cultures and origins. As a sperm bank we constantly seek out sperm donor candidates, and urge those who understand the need for sperm donation to encourage their male partners, family members, and friends to step forward and contemplate sperm donation as a service to those who are faced with limited fertility options.
To protect our sperm donor’s anonymity, Androcryos only lists basic physical attributes and interests in a publicly available Donor Data List.
Non-anonymous Sperm Donors
Non-Anonymous or open donors are available through our international sperm bank referral network. Should you wish to investigate this option, please feel free to contact us or review the Non-Anonymous donors on our Donor Data List.
Falling pregnant is not always as easy as it seems. Battling issues of infertility can be particularly traumatic and emotional. At Androcryos we are intimately familiar with the joys and struggles of wanting to give birth to a child.
Physical & Genetic Well-being
Each sperm donor is carefully screened for physical and genetic well-being, and is taken through a series of tests that target known diseases and chromosomal disorders. Only once a donor is cleared as a suitable candidate, are they admitted to the Androcryos sperm donor program.
Import & Export
There are many tests and procedures to complete to ensure the quality of sperm before candidates are approved to the donor program. To offer access to a greater gene pool, we import and export on request to private individuals and clinics. Main countries of import and export are America, Europe, Africa and Australia. Due to logistics, customs, and additional administrative processes, imported sperm is more expensive.