Who We Are & What We Do
Who We Are
Androcryos is a cryogenic depository specialising in the secure storage of human biological material associated with fertility treatment. We service medical fertility specialists, and facilitate scenarios where conventional conception is not an option.
Androcryos fortifies the medical fertility and infertility sector by offering a full-function sperm donor program alongside our andrology laboratory. Artificial insemination is performed on request from medical practitioners.

Our Philosophy
Androcryos guarantees that all fertility treatment and storage processes are handled in a professional, ethical and discreet manner. We ensure to never forget that our scientific method and technologies are here to serve all the women and men who need help in realising and safeguarding their dream of fostering a family.
Healthy, genetically sound babies remain the continual focus of everything we do. Our laboratory processes, equipment, procedures and ethical approach is maintained by a group of experienced professionals who have been active in the field for over sixty years.
Unavailable to previous generations, fertility treatment options have become an ongoing and inevitable part of our collective future. At Androcryos we strive to keep a keen eye on the latest relevant developments in science, technology, ethics, and policy implementation.
Our Past
Androcryos, previously trading as Cryobank, was established in 1984, and has maintained an ongoing record of ethical and professional practice. In South Africa we were the first to offer a sperm donor program alongside an andrology laboratory.
Our Future
Androcryos aims to be Africa’s premier cryogenic depository facility of human biological material associated with fertility processes.
What we do
We collect, freeze and store sperm
We collect, freeze and store spermfor donor purposes, as well as pre-vasectomy, prechemo, and pre-fertility treatments for husbands who are out of town, or men who struggle to produce a specimen on demand.
We are a full-function andrology laboratory
We are a full-function andrology laboratory which includes sperm related laboratory testing (sperm analysis, sperm counts, and sperm wash); testis biopsy freezing & storage; and post coital, HIV, and paternity testing. We cryogenically store human sperm & embryos for the purpose of fertility treatments.
We perform artificial inseminations
We perform artificial inseminations for women requesting donor sperm, or couples struggling to fall pregnant.
We import
We import donor sperm, semen collection pouches, insemination catheters, embryo transfer catheters, and ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) needles.
We export
We export donor sperm to private individuals and clinics on request.